DAAD The future we want

Last year a cooperation agreement was signed between HFF (Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film - Germany) and UBI (Universidade de Beira interior - Portugal), together with the cooperation of DAAD for the implementation of the exchange program: The future we want - Cinematic portraits of the post pandemic crisis: questioning and finding through cinema new social and political strategies and solutions for a sustainable future.

This exchange program aims, through documentary cinema, to establish comparative parallels between different societies, in this case German and Portuguese. In this sense, we are inviting students who study in both territories to develop themes of their own interest that are aligned with the central theme of the program.

Therefore, the participants will have several preliminary online meetings in order to define themes, protagonists and schedule shooting and filming dates. Both projects (Munich, Germany and Guarda, Portugal), will have the same shooting period (2 weeks in Guarda, Portugal, 2 weeks in Munich, Germany) and the students should work in pairs of different nationalities. In this way, we propose an intercultural contact and artistic work related to socio-cultural and economic policies that promote and can think, through comparative realities, about a more sustainable society: whether through degradation, reconstruction or sustainable development.

The aim of this program is the possibility for each participant to express themselves through documentary film: developing their ideas influenced by different cultural perspectives, making critical and artistic work, developing tools, concepts and raising awareness for a new debate about the sustainable present or a possible future. Taking this in consideration, these films can achieve a high collaborative potential that we would like to use to find existing approaches to solutions and bring them to the attention of a wider audience (international festivals) through film screening and discussion.

Discover the film projects here!
See project on HFF/International office page